
PLan 4 !st year !st sem.......

hmmmm..... wokey.... sem nie rase nye aku nak wat mcm last sem.....I don't want 2 push 2 early.... aku xnak jaded mase last 2 month b4 final.....take as many oppuortunity as I can.....wat bende yg patut je....mcm assigment n tutor, mane leh tiru, tiru je....jgn buang mase....hahaha....serius pada aku buang mase cuz aku suke study my own way n style.... ingt kite kene perform consistently 4 4 years long....hhuhuhu....lg 1 aku nak aktif dlm society....hehehe 2 je kowt.... so wait n see ah my performance dis sem....hopefully DL lg...hehehe InsyaAllah.....


No more AHYUEL.......

Aku rindu dgn panggilan ahyuel.....actually it was my first nickname. It had been 2 n a half year I never heard somebody call me, ahyuel... My late grandfather used to call me ahyuel... huh, ini semua bermula dgn iklan jual surat khabar... time 2 mase kecik, aku terlalu tertarik dgn iklan 2, smpi kn arwah panggil aku ahyuel who was the man selling the newspaper...Tiap2 ari he calls me,"ahyuel, naek ah atas, teman kn atuk,atuk sunyi"...aku rindu dgn kate2 2... Skrg, sumenye sunyi... aku masih lg dpt dgr 'wave' suara panggilan itu... you can't buy it with money....tiada pengganti bg suara itu... itu sume hanye la tinggal kenangan...I miss U, ATUK.....:(( :(( :((